DISCRIMINATION: How The Sopranos’ Michael Imperioli is fighting the SCOTUS LGBTQ ruling

Actor Michael Imperioli is enraged by the Supreme Court’s decision this week to allow business owners to discriminate against LGBTQ+ customers.

Best known as Christopher Moltisanti on the best show ever, The Sopranos, Imperioli took to his Instagram feed to put out a hit on conservative haters who support the SCOTUS ruling.

Imperioli, who also appeared in Goodfellas as Jim Jordan Spider and starred in the second season of HBO’s hit The White Lotus, posted a meme slamming SCOTUS and then expanded on it in his comments.

SCOTUS also killed President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program and affirmative action in higher education on Friday, so there was plenty of material for the celebrated actor to work with.

“I’ve decided to forbid bigots and homophobes from watching any movie or TV show I’ve been in,” Imperioli posted on Saturday, in a warning that could have been part of a Sopranos plot.

“Thank you Supreme Court for allowing me to discriminate and exclude those who I don’t agree with and am opposed to. USA! USA!”

Christofuh then continued: “Hate and ignorance is not a legitimate point of view” and “America is becoming dumber by the minute.”

(story continues below this awesomeness)

While Imperioli’s post was going viral, others have also reacted similarly to the Supreme Court’s week of hateful decisions by turning them around on the worst people.

One Twitter user posted the image of a melting red MAGA hat and wrote: “ULTRA MAGA, if you wear this hat NO SERVICE FOR YOU! SCOTUS says I have the right to refuse you service.”

“Is there much difference between a hooker and some SCOTUS justices?” asked another.

Congressional Democrats have also been voicing their concerns and are already threatening action against the compromised conservatives on the biased side of the bench.

Until something can be done, the voice of dissent will keep trying to get seen on Twitter while the poorly educated celebrate for all of the wrong reasons.

Be careful what you wish for, MAGA.

❤ Michael Imperioli pic.twitter.com/Jvu6ZeU55T

— AskAubry ???? (@ask_aubry) July 2, 2023

SCOTUS: We exist to defend rights for all people in America!!


SCOTUS: Except them

LGBTQ people?

SCOTUS: Except them

Migrants seeking asylum?

SCOTUS: Except them

Women seeking healthcare?

SCOTUS: Except them

Then who?

Rich white MAGAs rejected from Harvard.

— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid) July 1, 2023

michael imperioli is a king pic.twitter.com/Bbzj9UXefg

— victoria (@theblowout) July 1, 2023


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The post DISCRIMINATION: How The Sopranos’ Michael Imperioli is fighting the SCOTUS LGBTQ ruling appeared first on Occupy Democrats.

This content was originally published here.

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